• 转盘系统:立式转盘是核心部件,多个工位均匀分布在转盘周围,如装载、定位、烫金、卸料等工位,可实现连续高效作业。
• 夹紧定位装置:依据杯子、软管、针筒的形状和尺寸,采用不同的夹紧机构,如气动夹爪、机械夹具等,确保物体在烫金过程中稳固不位移。
• 烫金头组件:烫金头通常为可调节结构,能依据烫金部位和图案大小调整角度与高度。内部加热元件可快速升温并精确控温,温度范围一般在0℃-300℃之间。
• 送料与卸料装置:送料方式多样,杯子、针筒等较规则物体常用振动盘或输送带送料,软管则多使用专用的导槽或滚轮输送。卸料可通过吹气、输送带或机械手等方式。
• 控制系统:以PLC为核心,搭配触摸屏操作界面,可设定烫金速度、温度、压力、时间等参数,还具备故障报警、自动检测等功能。
• 适用范围广:能适应不同材质的杯子、软管、针筒,如塑胶、玻璃、金属等,通过更换配件或调整参数,可满足多种规格尺寸物体的烫金需求.
• 烫印精度高:借助高精度的定位系统和稳定的传动机构,烫金图案或文字的位置精度高,边缘清晰、完整、均匀,套色准确。
• 生产效率高:烫金速度快,一般每分钟可烫印数十个物体,且连续稳定运行,能显著提高生产效率,降低人工成本。
• 稳定性强:采用优质零部件和 的制造工艺,结构合理,运行平稳可靠,故障率低,使用寿命长。
• 安全性好:配备完善的安全防护装置,如防护门、光幕传感器、急停按钮等,防止操作人员接触到危险部位,保障人身安全。
Machine description
- 100mm stainless steel conveyor ( Customized on customer products)
- Feeding robot
- 8 stations rotating workbench
- IR Heating system
- Independent Stamping Plate adjustment device
- Fixture for samples
- Automatic foil feeding and collecting device
- High accurate Splitter
- World brand electronic control components
- PLC Operation system
- Automatic positioning system
- Safety cover
Machine parts
- Inovance servo motor + Taiwan TBI screw drive ironing head;
- Non-hot feeding and anti-fooling sensor device for positioning;
- Japanese OMRON touch screen and Japanese Panasonic PLC control system;
- brands can also be made according to customer requirements)
- Main motor and gearbox are made in Italy TRANSTECNO;
- The turntable and fixture are all high-precision grinding;
- Adopt Japan SMC and Taiwan AirTAC solenoid valve and cylinder;
- Imported Texaco precision splitter;
- Prevent the phenomenon of abrasion during the working process of the product;
- The machine is equipped with a set of jigs.